每週金句-No.005 古聖云:「禍福無門,惟人自招」人若能依道而行,與天地同德,自可掌握吉凶破解之法,趨吉避凶,自然如意吉祥。但人因執著、傲慢,難見吉凶破解之道,明知不可為而為之,勢必要承擔一切的後果。



An ancient sage said, “Good fortune and bad fortune have no specific entry to reach you, their arrival is by your invitation only.”

If a man leads his life according to Dao and shares good virtues with Heaven and Earth, he will hold the key to decipher the mystery of good and bad fortune, embracing good fortune while avoiding bad one, and easily have a happy life as he wishes.

To the contrary, if a man is stubborn and arrogant, not seeing the key to decipher the mystery of good and bad fortune, and determined to carry out acts which are known to be impossible to achieve; he will be doomed to suffer all bad consequences.