每週金句-No.098 古詩云:「鳶飛魚躍藏真趣,綠水青山是道圖。」人若能超脫物外,不為外物所繫累,體悟大道就在鳶魚山水之中。


  古詩有云 :「老鷹在天空飛翔,魚在水中腾躍,萬物任其天性而動,各得其所。青山綠水,山光水景,自然美麗。溪聲盡是廣長舌,山色無非清淨身,原來「道」就在青山綠水之中。」正所謂 : 一花一世界,一葉一如來。人倘若能夠放下對物質的執著,從萬事萬物中體悟生命和大道的真諦。自能明悟世界萬物皆依其天性而動,各得其所。這些景物都含藏了道的真正的意趣。道就在青山綠水之中。

  The ancient poem says: “Birds flying in sky and fishes leap out of water all enjoying true happiness, one can finds Dao in green water and blue mountains.” If one can transcend and not be burdened by external things, he will realize that Dao exists in everything everywhere.